Monday, December 13, 2010


Although I have not posted on this site for a long time, I have nevertheless been active, publishing a number of theoretical articles in journals and edited volumes that I hope are accurate and informative. Pre-publication drafts of these articles will shortly appear as new posts.

More interestingly, perhaps (as there is still the opportunity to advise me of my errors and help to improve the work!) I have recently been working fairly continuously on draft chapters of a new theoretical monograph on Vietnamese phrase-structure: Close to Perfect: Particles and Projections in Vietnamese Syntax [working title], which I aim to complete by June next year. This monograph consists of a Preface, followed by three main sections: the first containing a preliminary description of Vietnamese phrase-structure (based on the Vietnamese Online Grammar Project; the second, a theoretical discussion of some issues in formal syntax, in which I try to synthesize core Minimalism with alternative approaches to Minimalist grammar, and to bring this synthesis to bear on Vietnamese data; the third, offering a selection of revised articles, in which I analyze some of the more interesting properties of Vietnamese grammar.

As soon as I can overcome some formatting issues, my intention is to publish drafts of these chapters as posts on a new related site. Please check it out, and send me any comments you have.

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